Floyd Landis - 4months
Monthly Hip Update – Ready to Roll
February 12th, 2007
Floyd Landis
I've had countless questions regarding my new Smith-Nephew Hip
resurfacing and wanted to give everyone an update on my progress.
The Doctors released me to full training last month although they
will still monitor me with regular check-ups. I am totally amazed at
how my life has changed since I had my hip resurfaced. I can't
believe how much better everything is now that I have no more pain.
Chronic pain can eat away at you, and you don't even know it. What
is even more amazing is that my leg is stronger than ever, and in
fact as reported last month, stronger than the normal one!
The highlight of the last month was my CycleOps PowerTap training
camp here in Southern California. We had a total of over 50 riders
at the camp and did a week in the hills and mountains in the sun of
Southern California with the temperatures topping out in the 80's.
We climbed to over 5,000 ft. on Mount Palomar and Idyllwild, rode
the 27% grade Goat-Dog hill, did a power test time trial and stopped
for a World-famous Nessie Burger. 400-plus watts was a regular
occurrence, and I topped out at 1100 watts on the Goat-Dog climb.
The staff from Saris put on a World Class show, and I can't thank
them enough. In addition, Dr. Allen Lim lectured daily and consulted
with all the riders; Robbie Ventura provided daily coaching and
instructional sessions, and Dr. Brent Kay organized the rides and
provided medical testing. There were also many friends, family,
media and VIPs that attended. All told this was a blast and the most
fun I've had since I stood on the podium in Paris last July as 2006
Tour de France Champion. That's all for now, time to take my new
Smith-Nephew hip out for a 5 hour ride in the mountains. FL